Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Screw Murphy, Screw the Law

I hate Murphy's Law. I am pretty sure that all of you know what it is but for those who don't it basically says this "If anything can go wrong, it will." It involves times when your standing in line for those tickets and as soon as you get to the front you find they just sold the last one to the person before hand, it's when your trying to pull your hair back with that only elastic you have and it breaks. It's when your going to the bathroom and all of the sudden you realize you have only 1/2 sheet of TP left and you just took a #2 (disgusting I know, but it happens to the best of us). Murphy's Law is the predicament of chaos. I am sure of it. I really am considering changing my last name because I swear I should have been a Murphy. Take today. Emma and I get in the car and a give her a little bite of banana only to have it come flying back at me with everything else that sat in her stomach. After scraping off the chunks and throwing her in the bathtub (by this time I am already 15 minutes last)we proceed out the door to the sitters. I am on my way to school and traffic is nuts. I get stuck waiting for a 40 car line up to the college only to get stuck behind a 3 car pile up and of course no one in the city of Medicine Hat has the decency to let me squeak on in. My phone is just about dead and I have no fruity computer this morning. The computers at school are all PC's and to make matters worse I had to park all the way at the end of the parking lot. I feel lost and totally estranged. I need a hug.

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