Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Sharing information should not be forced out of people.........wait.......did I say SHARING?!?!

Unfortunately, people force themselves into the lives of others when perhaps they are not ready to share or talk about things. There is a this thing called time- and when you attempt to rush it you sometimes get a completely different outcome then what maybe should or could have been.

Patients. Adopt it. If this is impossible then perhaps one should attempt to discover what outcome is really desired.

"A weak mind is like a microscope, which magnifies trifling things, but cannot receive great ones."

Perhaps think about how important this scientific instrument is to you......because in the end, that's all some people have.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Tank Rules

Diving today. The drive in was one to be desired, however, interesting. I got detoured. I should have known because there were signs warning me all week yet I chose to be completely oblivious until I came upon the annoying orange thing they call a barricade. I was considering simply ignoring it completely however the Em's piped up and questioned "mom, what are those there for?"
We most definitely will be late. I could have gone around, ignored the screeching electrical workers on the road, yet, setting a good example was outweighed by being prompt.....

Now, I sit on the most uncomfortable bleachers known to man, coffee in hand from some vending machine (because clearly Starbucks was not in the mix this AM), thinking about life's little lesson we teach our children by simple default. Or,is it perhaps, how our own children have the capability of keeping us in line (even when we really don't want to stay on the straight and narrow).

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Slow Down is one of those days when I wonder.......why do I even bother? I am going to get a latte, abandon all of my tasks until tomorrow and press pause so I can think clearly.

Where is the remote???

A Dinosaur Brought Me Flowers This Morning.....

Broken hip

Highly unlikely if not impossible. However, feels like it. I was awake all night with this obnoxioius irritation. I tossed and turned like a rolling pin. I swore. Today- it feels like I'm 80 and ready for a THR. I was recapitulating the events of yesterday trying to cipher just how I got myself to this point. The "ah-ha" moment came when I realized that perhaps it is best to not do switch leaps in attempt to best my athletes. Damn it, I am antiquing at a rate in which I am not particularly fond of. Is there not a pill for this (no, I do not mean ibuprofen ....however it's helping)???

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Bucket list

Sooooo..... "they" say to write it down..... So that's what I shall do.

#1. Inka trail- yay baby
#2. Take my children to Disney land and ride on the scariest roller coaster in the park and not be sick after (this may involve copious amounts of gravel and pepto)
#3. Visit the Taj Mahal
#4. Write and publish a song w/lyrics
#5. Attend a musical in NYC
#6. Raise my children to be respectable, caring,contributing members of society
#7. Teach my grandchild how to do a cartwheel ;)
#8. Go deep sea fishing (Grandpa would be proud)
#9. Dance on top of the Eiffel Tower
#10. Sing karaoke ....without the help of the Dr.
#11. Have a photo published
#12. Swim with a dolphin
#13. Share a kiss under a full moon in The Seychelles
#14. Take G-Ma to Hawaii
#15. Create a painting that actually resembles adult like qualities
#16. Olympics!
#17. Be at least half the woman my grandmother is.....she is the most amazing woman I know!
#18. Do a two and a half off the 3 m..... This means getting my ass back into the pool
#19. Purchase my own gym
#20. See the world as much as possible
Life is so short. Scary part is.......Too many go through it with so many regrets. I do not want to be a statistic.


Thursday, April 05, 2012

Extreme Makeover!

The piano guys..... Love them..... I love me even mor because the did a cover of one of my ultimate favorite songs!

“Without music, life would be a mistake.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols
tags: inspirational , music , philosophy 22,331 people liked it like

Tuesday, April 03, 2012 it what you may....

People come in and out of our lives in handfuls. The barista who makes your coffee everyday, a best friend in grade one who you recently found on Facebook (or perhaps should not have found), the individual you managed to piss off o the way home....regardless of who these people are I believe they serve a purpose and contribute to our very existence. No matter how small the impact, I believe the contribution leads to something bigger. What that is- hell, do we ever figure that out?

An Appropriate Quote For The Present

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

Monday, April 02, 2012

29 days left of 29......

I can only say this once in a life time. I have 29 days left in my twenties. God. Where did the time go? I want to crawl in the portal of yesterday and go back to the time when it was cool to wear neon blue, jam to NKOTB and faint at the thought of Leonardo DeCaprio. Unfortunately, there is no such thing so I am forced to go forward into this next chapter. I hear that TH&@Y is the new 20.... Good god I hope so.