Sunday, April 08, 2012

Bucket list

Sooooo..... "they" say to write it down..... So that's what I shall do.

#1. Inka trail- yay baby
#2. Take my children to Disney land and ride on the scariest roller coaster in the park and not be sick after (this may involve copious amounts of gravel and pepto)
#3. Visit the Taj Mahal
#4. Write and publish a song w/lyrics
#5. Attend a musical in NYC
#6. Raise my children to be respectable, caring,contributing members of society
#7. Teach my grandchild how to do a cartwheel ;)
#8. Go deep sea fishing (Grandpa would be proud)
#9. Dance on top of the Eiffel Tower
#10. Sing karaoke ....without the help of the Dr.
#11. Have a photo published
#12. Swim with a dolphin
#13. Share a kiss under a full moon in The Seychelles
#14. Take G-Ma to Hawaii
#15. Create a painting that actually resembles adult like qualities
#16. Olympics!
#17. Be at least half the woman my grandmother is.....she is the most amazing woman I know!
#18. Do a two and a half off the 3 m..... This means getting my ass back into the pool
#19. Purchase my own gym
#20. See the world as much as possible

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