Monday, February 21, 2005

While my boyfriend is busy soaking up the sun in Mexico I am stuck here in Medicine Hat wallowing in self pity. Actually - this is good for me. It has given me a chance to see just how crazy I am about this person. You know what they say - absensce makes the heart grow fonder. This week is going to be crazy. Among the load full of homework I have, I also have to try to prepare 3 of my gymnasts for the biggest meet of there lives so far. They are all stressing out about it but I am staying pretty calm so far. I actually get to judge on Friday so I am getting excited about that.
Emma is as sick as a dog. Over the last couple of days she has practiced the art of throwing up in various places. I have mastered the skill of not getting any of her vomit on her while she does this. Just tilt. On a brighter note, she did learn another word this week. She up and pointed to my boyfriends picture and said his name. Without a lisp! My kid is amazing... either that or she just has really good taste ( that was meant to be a compliment). Anyways, I promised myself this week I would write something insightfull. Im much to tired to do so at the moment so I think crashing is a great option. So until later this week, I will depart.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Becca Curlz Me

Becca Curlz Me, originally uploaded by gymnfly1.

So, there they are. Clear as day for the whole world to see. Well, its been 2.5 weeks and I can kinda eat a little less alien like and talking is getting well... I still have a "oh-so-subtle-lisp" but as one of my friends says.. "you brought this upon yourself" so I guess Im gonna have to stop with the weird smiles and stop trying to hide the fact that I now eat like a 2 year old and just go with it. Ah, well, I just have to think of the outcome... So, I am going to be alone for the next 12 days. Well, not alone cause I have Mini Me (which will be great!) but my sig. other has jetted outta town for spring break and I am here all by myself... I have been pouting about it since before he left... guess you can't help but miss the ones you care about. Anyways, so I think I will get a whole wack load of studying done this week (which I do need) and perhaps take advantage of sleeping in. I am thinking on my days off I am going to have to induldge in a little ladies night out with the girls (AMY?) and perhaps a little drinkage of alchoholic beverages... yes... I think I may need that. Well, new years resolution is going good. I am being nice to ppl, but, as for the weight loss thing... I am still at my regular... gosh, I think Valentines Day really set me back! Did I mention Valentines Day?... I think I may have to tell you just how wonderful things where in my next blog...

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Do I love Valentines DAY?

I used to love it. Now, I hold no expectations. I think Valetines day has become too commercialized. It now is just another Hallmark Holiday. No real thought or expression (except for maybe what's in the card) is really put into it anymore. I think people miss the real meaning of it now. There is this great expectation that something has to be done we get frustrated and forget why we celebrate the 14th of February. Me personally, I know I don't need a special day dictating to me that I need to show the person I am with how I feel. I think everyday is a little expression of that. But I will say in its defense that it is nice to look forward and plan something out of the norm and go out of your way for that special someone to show how you feel on a certain day. Anyways, I think I am a little excited to show that person how I feel (like he doesn't already know though) on Valentines Day... So excited in fact I bought the card 3 weeks ago... And it's a Carlton not Hallmark....
To be continued...

Monday, February 07, 2005

To the above picture..

. well, there was this amazing dinner out at the base the past weekend so I got to get all dressed up and be escorted by the most handsom man out there... It was a blast. Everyone looked stunning, my date (also known as my BF) was a perfect gentleman and even though I lisped and studdered and ate like a 3 year old... not one person poked too much fun at me... anyhow, it was a perfect evening...On another note... Valentines day is coming up... boy do I have a blog to write about that... but that will just have to wait until tomorrow when its not 2 in the am and Im not falling asleep..

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Brace Face

I have 30 minutes left of normal mouth. I am so scared that I'm gonna look like metal woman by the end of my dentist appointment. I am though looking forward to getting them on because I have wanted this for soooooo long. What made me decide to do it? Actaully, its a combination of things. People in Junior High are mean, my brother got perfect teeth and I totally missed the boat on that one, and I have really always wanted to get them fixed. I guess its's like any other cosmetic procedure. Why do woman get inplants or tummy tucks? ... To be OH SO PRETTY... lol.. because they want to of course. I agree with people are there own worse critic- they have to be cause what else would we complain about??? I guess that's a shallow way of putting it. Anyways, I am going to buy someithing to eat so I can totally gross out my dentist when he opens my mouth. And people wonder why they have the highest suicide rates! I am so mean.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

A couple of things

So apparently I get really bad test anxiety. I hate it. I have this really bad habit of cramming and then I start to forget everything I am cramming. Then 5 minutes before the test miraculously my brain decided to open its brain waves and lets me memorize which gives me about 5 whole minutes to rationalize which material should go in and which isn't that vitally important. Annoying to say the least.

So another annoying concept. Actually, it's more of a theory. I went to the dentist (by this I mean my orthodontist) and got my wire fixed. Not a week later and the damn thing is once again invade the sides of my cheeks. Apparently someone over in that bloody place has no clue about the meaning of alignment and proper wire technique. So I am faced with having to put wax ( yes wax) in my bloody mouth until I find time to go to the dentist/ortho guy and get it fixed. Honestly, can't people get it right the first time?!?!

I think maybe its just this week but I think a bitch fest(that or a hiatus) is much needed. Reading week is coming up and I will be forced to spend it all by my self. BOO. That really sucks. Actually, I will have little one with me so it won't be too bad and I have the Cactus Classic coming up that I am judging at so that will take a little of my spare time up. Actually, this might be a great time to relax and " reflect" (HA!) on my dispositions and thoughts)
well, enough said for today. I think its time for that Hiatus.