Sunday, November 08, 2015

A rumor...

Rumors are horrific. They destroy people and are the acid of any relationship- from work place to interpersonal.

In 2014 I was the central focus of a terrible rumor.

The sad part is- it continues to richocet in my life- more so now than ever.

And the sad part is.... My life. My children. We will forever be at the receiving end of all of these lies that once spread like wildfire fire.

And there is nothing that can be done to undo the ever spiralling effects.

Now the only choice is to go forward without looking behind.

Saturday, November 07, 2015

Two Things please

I could use a really big hug and some compassion from the universe.

December 12th is approachind and the closer it comes...the increase in anxiety.

I feel like the universe is giving me a giant shove.

And there is no net.

I can't quite describe this feeling...but I know it's scary as hell.

I am not good with plot twists.