Thursday, February 17, 2005

Becca Curlz Me

Becca Curlz Me, originally uploaded by gymnfly1.

So, there they are. Clear as day for the whole world to see. Well, its been 2.5 weeks and I can kinda eat a little less alien like and talking is getting well... I still have a "oh-so-subtle-lisp" but as one of my friends says.. "you brought this upon yourself" so I guess Im gonna have to stop with the weird smiles and stop trying to hide the fact that I now eat like a 2 year old and just go with it. Ah, well, I just have to think of the outcome... So, I am going to be alone for the next 12 days. Well, not alone cause I have Mini Me (which will be great!) but my sig. other has jetted outta town for spring break and I am here all by myself... I have been pouting about it since before he left... guess you can't help but miss the ones you care about. Anyways, so I think I will get a whole wack load of studying done this week (which I do need) and perhaps take advantage of sleeping in. I am thinking on my days off I am going to have to induldge in a little ladies night out with the girls (AMY?) and perhaps a little drinkage of alchoholic beverages... yes... I think I may need that. Well, new years resolution is going good. I am being nice to ppl, but, as for the weight loss thing... I am still at my regular... gosh, I think Valentines Day really set me back! Did I mention Valentines Day?... I think I may have to tell you just how wonderful things where in my next blog...

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