Saturday, April 14, 2012

Tank Rules

Diving today. The drive in was one to be desired, however, interesting. I got detoured. I should have known because there were signs warning me all week yet I chose to be completely oblivious until I came upon the annoying orange thing they call a barricade. I was considering simply ignoring it completely however the Em's piped up and questioned "mom, what are those there for?"
We most definitely will be late. I could have gone around, ignored the screeching electrical workers on the road, yet, setting a good example was outweighed by being prompt.....

Now, I sit on the most uncomfortable bleachers known to man, coffee in hand from some vending machine (because clearly Starbucks was not in the mix this AM), thinking about life's little lesson we teach our children by simple default. Or,is it perhaps, how our own children have the capability of keeping us in line (even when we really don't want to stay on the straight and narrow).

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