Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Curve

I took a long journey of self discovery this year. There were so many bumps and detours along the way. Looking back- of course I ask myself on some of these things- 'what the hell were you thinking?!"

But... that's how one grows.

So- without further hesitation:

I learned that I have so much love to give-  I need to give it to the right person.

I learned that my time here is short. Too short. I need to be sure to remember that and do what I want to do without making an excuse or barrier. Just do it already.

 I need to be patient. That right individual will be there when I least expect it.

Opportunity in a crisis- I am getting REALLY good at finding this now

How much I tolerate- that this is indeed a choice- there is no one forcing me to put up with anything. I make the decision just how much I choose to tolerate. I also make the decisions based on what I want to tolerate (ex. how I wish to be treated, professionally- what I want and how much I wish to give to get what I want)

I still do not run on linear time. :)

I learned that being perfect- its a matter of perception- and standard. I choose how high to raise the bar and just how far Im willing to go to go above and beyond.

I learned just how fabulous my friends are. I thought they were fabulous before- they are spectacular individuals who I am so blessed to have in my life.

I learned that there is never enough lettuce in the fridge. Or egg whites. Or Pickles.

I love East Indian food!

... Pre schoolers Hate sharing... btw... I thought I knew the extent of this- boy was I wrong!

I can make cookies from scratch- sans recipe and on the fly from pretty much anything in a pantry.

I realized my love for Kohlrabi. And Cajun Spice. Yup. Oh so delicious.

I have an intolerance to milk so I cut back.

I now have the patience of a flea when it comes to shopping (ya, you read that right)

I dislike gossip- I used to be all over it but I now become super annoyed when it occurs and usually will put a stop to it

I can fall asleep in  .kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Hot Yoga is my new friend. Cycling- not so much. However, both serve a purpose so I shall keep at it.

Life doesn't have a plan- you make the plan. You change the plan. Plans are meant to be changed.

I am wayyyyy more aware of who I am and what I want than I was 12 months ago.

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