Monday, September 16, 2013

Things I should Invent

A lawn Roomba. That, or a goat that you can legally have in the city.
A guitar which has a solar powered battery in the built in tuner (yes, I left it on last night)
A Washer/Dryer which required ONE push of a button
A vehicle which is powered by h gh
An electric blanket that is controlled via bio-Mechanical heating - it reads your temperature then adjusts the heat it emits.
A GPS which talks shit to you when you get lost "what the hell were you thinking getting on the freeway?! I said take the exit on 600 M not 200M. Now make a illegal U-Turn at some point today you dumb ass and I will continue to navigate.
A teleporter which actually WORKS
A post service which has pick up at the front door that doesn't cost a bagillion dollars. Sheesh.
A headband that actually stays on. You haven't the foggiest how annoying this is.
Beds that make themselves.
Cars that have heated EVERYTHING.
An umbrella constructed of a material which is indestructible.
Ride on Kites
Time Warping
Electronic Reciepts- yes, this would be so handy. A receipt card which saves all your receipts electronically. 
An electric blanket that has a built in 'spooning' option- so yes, ' big spoon blanket'
A bandaid that can heal heart ache

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