Friday, September 13, 2013

Dating Detox

So, I made a bet with my best friend that I could go on a detox from datin for 30 days.
This bet stemmed from a conversarion about a book I recently purchased called 'The 30 Day Love Detox' by Dr. Wendy Walsh.   
It pretty much sums up how to date this day in age (which apparently I really am no good at considering the track record and my inability to attract a man who isn't either completely insane or just 'not ready' for a relationship.). A particular chapter that is of interest is how to spot a 'commitment-orientated man at his peek readiness'. Sounds interesting to say the least.

My BFF believes I will hold out until next Monday. 

I should have clarified-a date is a physical outing, a meeting or a face to face encounter.... so chatting is still acceptable right?
Perhaps I should start on chapter 6- the detox chapter...

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