Thursday, January 09, 2014

Bliss Point

We all have one- the opportune position in life where everything has aligned and life is .... Grand.
 I believe we all have this certain groove we can get into that creates this internal Bliss Point. A balance and happiness within where we feel... complete. But- what contributes to this bliss point?

1. Your Home. It's just that- a Home. This includes your spouse, maybe kids (or a dog, or ... your computer?), The place where you can retreat, be quiet and be in solitude if need be. A place to rest. Relax. A place to enjoy the family. Or simply enjoy the silence depending on what you find appealing.

2. Your Career.  You are no longer working that 7 till 7 position at the local grocery store. You have a real job. You can afford a house. A car. Insurance. AND food!!! You actually LIKE your job. No, You LOVE it. You don't dread walking into work everyday. You ACTUALLY look forward to perhaps an evening out with your colleagues.

3.You're social network. I am making reference to Oldenburgs "third place" or "rendezvous". It's the place to go to unwind (when home just doesn't do it) or that place you look forward to after a hard days work. Your friends are often here. You crave this place- its a place to kick back and relax. A place to see your friends, discuss the hockey game (or WHY on earth Amber Riley won dancing with the stars is far beyond my comprehension- clearly Jack was the better selection!).

Regardless- this social network is often what we lack. The missing fulcrum to our teeter totter. When we don't have this place- we find ourselves engrossed in a tangled web of work and home and no "out" to just be "you"- Not mom or dad. Or Boss. Or the coveted employee you became. Or the lonely person rearranging the closet for the 13th time in 2 days... (not that I ever did that.... (insert shifty eyes here)). Just. Fabulous. You.

Of course-there are more things that contribute to that bliss point-
Self worth?
Emotional stability (no, that doesn't count if you are seeing your therapist 5 times a week and taking 3 different sedatives to calm your nerves and put a mute on those other 4 personalities you have been trying to shut up for the past decade).
Etc. Etc.

In the end- its about what makes you feel balanced... Perhaps something worth noting.

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