Friday, January 18, 2013

Rebecca's List of Non-Negotiables

My friend Tanis and I  were recently talking about how she met her "person". I asked her if she had a "list". She said she did.

I started thinking. There is always a "list" and I could go off on a rant about the "47 and a half" things that I look for in a person. However, at the end of the day- most of these things are not incontrovertible. We slowly make acceptances and bend the rules because after all- no one is truly perfect.

My past relationships were amazing learning experiences. I know I deserve nothing but the best person for me and vice versa. Everyone deserves pure happiness and with that being said- another person doesn't make you happy- they just contribute. So, I am essentially looking for someone to contribute further to my happiness.

Ok, so, after much thought, here we go.

The list of Non-Negotiables :

1. Trust and honesty and respectfulness
2. Compromise. Must have the ability to actually do this ( I am forever working on this- h
3. Must be a generally happy person without the assistance of medication.
4. Must be able to laugh with me, at me, at others and yourself.
5. Must understand my situation is what it is, things will not be changing when it comes to my kids and the relationship they and  I hold with their father
6. There must be CHEMISTRY...C.H.E.M.I.S.T.Y.
7. Be able to LISTEN! No, really LISTEN.