Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Morning Shenanigans at GLF

At the gym right now- my bike is having a full blown temper tantrum because its telling me I'm supposedly under my minimum RPM's. I keep swearing at the damn thing because my legs are telling me this cannot be the case as they are on fire today.
The dude next to me. 2 things. No deodarant and hes got a severe case of halitosis so his panting is unbearable. The best I can describe it is wind coming from a feed lot. Yes. That's a great description. I wish my olfactory nerves would calm the hell down if only for 30 more minutes.
There is a person on a stairmaster in front of me. Im trying to decided if its male or female. Clearly if female she's on a high dosage of steroids. I'm thinking its female (it has a ponytail under the hat). I'm a little scared.
There is an overly enthusiastic personal trainer working with his client. He's doing the "ya, push it. Oh ya, that's it. Come on- one more. One more... yesssssss........" you can imagine just how hard I am working to contain myself.
Beep. Beep.
Yes, I know. Back to work tells my bike....
Ciao for now!

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