Wednesday, April 24, 2013


1 : capable of being physically or emotionally wounded
2 : open to attack or damage : assailable

Synonyms: Endangered, exposed, open, sensitive, susceptible.

The word is a powerful one. People are constantly in a state of vulnerability. Riding the 'V' train. Some don't even know they are there until it's too late. They get hurt. Damaged even. It's a bumpy ride. Full of peeks and valleys. Some even experience a full blown derailment. But, after the ride is over... It's how you go forward. You have two choices. Get the fuck up and try again. Or. Don't.

You can choose to become vulnerable yet again. Just recognize when the ride is becoming unbearable. You can choose to learn from your previous experiences.


Don't buy the ticket. Don't open yourself up. But with that, there are consequences.

It's up to you if you want to get back onto the train. Being vulnerable can be a beautiful thing. Introduce you to something perhaps you never thought possible. Or it can completely destroy you.

Yup. It's a gamble. A risk. But it can be a beautiful one. 

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