Saturday, June 06, 2015

Todays List of Fabulous Things

1. Cashews.
2. Hot showers followed by facial toner. Where has this been all my life?
3. Great playlists that consist of covers that only a 14 year old girl would listen to.
4. A hug from my mama followed by Little Miss E.
5. 20 plus degree weather
6. Swivel chairs- especially when multi-tasking
7. A sweet message from a wonderful friend
8. The thought of NOT HAVING to put together a piece of Ikea furniture (unless accompanied by Dr. Zen Zen and his fabulous blue bottle of chilled Kabinet)
9. The song in my head when not exercising #3.
10. This warm fuzzy feeling :)
11. The number 11- just because it's now 11:11 and I always make a wish at this very moment if I am lucky enough to see it.

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