Saturday, February 08, 2014


I find this hilarious. It's so true however I find a lot of people forget this notion. 

I like to think most have good intentions and we all strive to be like the said quote. I have learned though that the definition of ass hole can have many different levels applied to it and that some view actions as a simple inconvenience rather than the defined ass hole- For example-taking two parking stalls at the impossibly busy costco on a Saturday is in fact an ass hole move especially when I'm forced to park 1.6 km away from the entrance (1 mile;) and it's 35 below. Now- the parker may think the opposite and it's probable to assume it's due to a previous ass hole move from another  (present incompetent parking is motivated by a large dent that was recieved at one point in time from someone'snegligence when opening their car door).

My point- 'Parker' is avoiding further injury to vehicle but pissing everyone off in the process and has updated their status to being an ass without perhaps even realizing the outcome.

This outcome you see is simple  The human race develops a pay - it - forward attitude.  ONLY not in the positive light.

Well folks- like it or not- ass holes exists and we just have to make our best efforts to let it slide off our shoulders and hope that people have the best intentions and are not deliberate in their actions that piss others off. 

What's the new phrase?

KEEP CALM and ....

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