Sunday, February 17, 2013

When shit hits the fan, soak the sun

Dear friends,

I'm in sunny Phoenix. I have decided that it is time to start to relax. I could vent about all that has happened, what I'm missing, whom I'm missing...HOWEVER....I'm not going to do that in this post. Instead, I will tell you about my current state.

First-you will hate me because I am posting from a hot tub. Kid you not. I'm in a hot tub, blogging. Sigh. Yes, this is the life.

Second-I hear nothing but the running fan and a few cars that pass by the condo complex....well, and some dude working in his car in the parking lot (I type this and now he is drilling, Bastard!).

Third- it is 14 degrees outside

Fourth- I found a kick ass sugar free concoction that I actually enjoy and am sipping on that.

Fifth- I'm gazing up and see an almost half moon, and stars and it's a clear night!

I will enjoy this moment because not many of them come along... It feels like I've been hit by a stung gun and I'm forced to just stop and enjoy for once. So I will.


Much love from a scratchy pool deck,

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