So this last month has flown by. I have not accomplished anything really amazing- yet I have made some final decisions that will impact my life enormously (I have decided moving to Lethbridge is best and that I am indeedly starting a new "healthier Lifestyle"). I am quite excited about these decisions and to be frank scared to death of both.
Moving to Lethbridge means total indedependence. No more people to rely on but myself. It will be a great time of growth perhaps and a realization that I am infact more independent than I thought I was. School will be fun. I am looking forward to the program. I only have 3 years left then I am finished. I have not decided if I will go for my PHD mind you I know that placing a "DR" infront of my name has always been a family dream (but this is for me not them)...
In a way, now that I really have thought and talked about it with my "family" I am scared. I thought all this weekend about it when I was driving up there. Where would I live? I don't know anyone but a handful of people there. In a sense moving to Massachusetts would have made more sense - but as my very own mother put it - I need this. I need to breakaway.
As for my new healthier life style- it started on Tuesday. I kicked the low carb diet to the curb and am now on a "canada food guide" edition (don't get me wrong- I am still going to watch my carbs just not to where the extent I was)- I am frighted to death honestly of gaining. I know it will happen but someone made me realize that my health now and in the future is more important than anything and that I was/am driving everyone nuts around me when it came to my Diet Frenzies. Oh, that reminds me- I forgot to take my vitamin today... damn....
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