Saturday, March 12, 2005

Definition from a womans point of view

I dont understand how society came about doing this - but it has managed to give one word like 8 different meanings. Im talking in reference to love. I suppose you have to consider the source it is coming from. When a woman is asked to determine what love is - we spout of various meanings and values that it holds. Men, on the other hand - run. That's right. You mention the word and the leave in a flash. What is it that they percieve the word to be? Why- or how have men come to the conclusion that love is a scary thing. Well, I think it's all in how they percieve it. For instance, women often see love in two lights (my own opinion really). The first is the act of feeling love. The second is being "in love". Feeling love is less complicated than being in love is. Loving someone can simply mean caring, wondering, worrying, having that warm sensation when you are around them, respecting them, telling them what they may need to hear even if they don't want to hear it, trust, never doing anything that would hurt the other person, consideration, etc, etc- the list goes on. But being in love- that is what I think men are afraid of. Being in love means commitment. It means that- hey- you are right for me. Being in love is much more complex. Men hate complex details. This is why they run. They need to realize that love comes in many forms from a female perspective and that perhaps looking at what level of love their partner is at - perhaps that 4 letter word is not so scary.
(for you Lana)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well actually in Dutch we have two different words for this, 'verliefd' being love in the butterflies-sense and 'houden van' as in being in long-term-committed-love. I guess everythings backwards here, 'cause it's the women that have the commitment issues!
PS: How'd you find my log?