Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Do I love Valentines DAY?

I used to love it. Now, I hold no expectations. I think Valetines day has become too commercialized. It now is just another Hallmark Holiday. No real thought or expression (except for maybe what's in the card) is really put into it anymore. I think people miss the real meaning of it now. There is this great expectation that something has to be done we get frustrated and forget why we celebrate the 14th of February. Me personally, I know I don't need a special day dictating to me that I need to show the person I am with how I feel. I think everyday is a little expression of that. But I will say in its defense that it is nice to look forward and plan something out of the norm and go out of your way for that special someone to show how you feel on a certain day. Anyways, I think I am a little excited to show that person how I feel (like he doesn't already know though) on Valentines Day... So excited in fact I bought the card 3 weeks ago... And it's a Carlton not Hallmark....
To be continued...


Anonymous said...

excellent...so I should be expecting the card any day now...

I am still waiting for my cake, and haven't had anything nice done to me in a while...

I think I may be waiting for this card for a long time

Anonymous said...

I hope Mike spoiled you silly ;)