Saturday, October 23, 2004

About last night...

I had a wonderful time last night. I don't think I have had that much fun in sooo long. It was well needed. Let's start with the company. Then there was this Blacxican name Henry (my spanish tutor). When he is slightly inebriated and giggles- his whole self shakes. It's not just the shoulders anymore. Then there is John. Oh gosh. He has some sick and twisted views ( but he is funny as shit! Just keep him at the other end of the table when there happens to be a bunch of 12 year old girls on the other side. Guaranteed he's gonna be a bad boy. There was this other dude Trevor. He was kinda quiet. Didn't say a whole lot but was still fun. Then there was SuperMike. What can I say? I always have a wonderful time when I hang out with him. Well, anyways, back to my story. We hung out at BP'S for a few hours, made fun of some 12 year old (John wasn't as bad as I expected), heard some interesting stories and then decided that we where all going to go to Ralph's. Well, seeing as I was the only sober one I got to drive. My car is a little shadow and has a car seat in the middle back. Let's just say I had the rear view of John's nose the whole time. When we got to Ralph's, we bought got our beverages. I decided that a jug of paralyzer would do me just wonderful. I did it in 5 minutes and went to the bathroom. When I decided to wonder on back... yup... I was totally gone. The alchohol took only 10 minutes at most to reach the liver and start acting. Now realize that I am a poor drunk. I tend to talk to much, giggle to much... everything.. to much. I find I get annoyed with myself. Who doesn't at times? Well, when I got back I had a "funny" story about my venture in the bathroom and for the life of me could not get the bloody thing out. I kept laughing and laughing. After about 5 minutes of this - I reguritated it all out in a single breathe and on we went. Mike and I headed out to the cash machine and when we got back the boys where being "whiny baby pissy pants" and decided to depart. It was Mike and I. We got this wonderful idea that two stepping would be fun. And boy was is ever! See, your lookin at a girl who has no dance ability when it comes to this. He took my hand and led me to the dance floor and off we went. I can't say I didn't step on his feet (I did but thank god for steel toes) and I can't say that we didn't collide a few times (we did but I wasn't complaining) but I can say that it was awsome. I think I did alright because I still don't think he believes me that I never knew how to 2 step previously. Honestly, no one has ever shown me until now!
Anyhow, we danced and flirted and danced and flirted some more. We got a bright idea that walking to Humpty's for breakfast with Annette would be a fab idea. We froze our nuts off (well, lack there of on my part). I didn't mind. Body heat can be a good thing sometimes. Rule of thumb. If you ever go to this place do not order a ... crap... I can't remember what it's called. Oh, panscrambler. Apparently it is really spicy and icky. Well, at 4:30 we decided to head out. That sucked but we where both tired and we where sobered up so driving at this point was a option. I can honestly say I didn't want the night to end. I had to much fun and the company was incredible. I just hope we can do it again sometime.

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