Pull out a tapemeasure, note your age on the tapemeasure. Look how much you have left from your age to 100 (if you're are lucky to live that long)... Make It Count People.
Friday, October 29, 2004
So, today is halloween day at school and no one (including me) is dressed up. The only people that are, are the staff. Bravo for them. I wish I would have dressed up. I think the reason why I never is because I was afraid no one else was going to so to avoid complete humiliation so I just disregarded the fact that it was even Halloween Weekend. I must say I did buy a costume though. I am going to the bar as a "Champion Boxer". Actually, it is any excuse really just to not wear a top and go with as little clothes as possible (Im Just KIDDING!). But, I am not going to wear it if no one else is dressing up. I wish I had more guts and didn't care. I still want to go as a funnel but that just takes to much effort to create the bloody costume. Plus, like I stated before- my creativity took a hike until after the 31st.
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Home Sweet Home
Emma is sick today. We are staying home. I want to go to school. Maybe we will go. She was better when I put her to bed... We will see.
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Any Brillian Ideas?
I love halloween. I hate the fact that my creative side decides to take a trip when that time of the year comes by though. I love it because it gives poeple a chance to really try to be something we are not and not completly suck at it. For women, its usually a viable excuse to dress up with the least amount of clothes and come to school in their thong and sports bra. Men, they get to be that superhero that they've always wanted to be (though some already carry that status without Halloween being needed). Anyhow, regardless, it gives us a chance to be whatever we want. Up until today, I had plans on going as a funnel. Yes you heard me correct, A Funnel. Now, I want to go as something else. I have no clue what to go as. It's starting to really jerk my chain because I wanna go as something fun and not as a funnel. Something completly rediculous perhaps, something that reflects who I may secretly desire to become....maybe.... I have no clue... All I know is if I don't get some good ideas soon- I am gonna end up being a bisker or something. Some assistance and/or ideas would be very helpful at this point.
Saturday, October 23, 2004
About last night...
I had a wonderful time last night. I don't think I have had that much fun in sooo long. It was well needed. Let's start with the company. Then there was this Blacxican name Henry (my spanish tutor). When he is slightly inebriated and giggles- his whole self shakes. It's not just the shoulders anymore. Then there is John. Oh gosh. He has some sick and twisted views (http://jwest.blogspot.com) but he is funny as shit! Just keep him at the other end of the table when there happens to be a bunch of 12 year old girls on the other side. Guaranteed he's gonna be a bad boy. There was this other dude Trevor. He was kinda quiet. Didn't say a whole lot but was still fun. Then there was SuperMike. What can I say? I always have a wonderful time when I hang out with him. Well, anyways, back to my story. We hung out at BP'S for a few hours, made fun of some 12 year old (John wasn't as bad as I expected), heard some interesting stories and then decided that we where all going to go to Ralph's. Well, seeing as I was the only sober one I got to drive. My car is a little shadow and has a car seat in the middle back. Let's just say I had the rear view of John's nose the whole time. When we got to Ralph's, we bought got our beverages. I decided that a jug of paralyzer would do me just wonderful. I did it in 5 minutes and went to the bathroom. When I decided to wonder on back... yup... I was totally gone. The alchohol took only 10 minutes at most to reach the liver and start acting. Now realize that I am a poor drunk. I tend to talk to much, giggle to much... everything.. to much. I find I get annoyed with myself. Who doesn't at times? Well, when I got back I had a "funny" story about my venture in the bathroom and for the life of me could not get the bloody thing out. I kept laughing and laughing. After about 5 minutes of this - I reguritated it all out in a single breathe and on we went. Mike and I headed out to the cash machine and when we got back the boys where being "whiny baby pissy pants" and decided to depart. It was Mike and I. We got this wonderful idea that two stepping would be fun. And boy was is ever! See, your lookin at a girl who has no dance ability when it comes to this. He took my hand and led me to the dance floor and off we went. I can't say I didn't step on his feet (I did but thank god for steel toes) and I can't say that we didn't collide a few times (we did but I wasn't complaining) but I can say that it was awsome. I think I did alright because I still don't think he believes me that I never knew how to 2 step previously. Honestly, no one has ever shown me until now!
Anyhow, we danced and flirted and danced and flirted some more. We got a bright idea that walking to Humpty's for breakfast with Annette would be a fab idea. We froze our nuts off (well, lack there of on my part). I didn't mind. Body heat can be a good thing sometimes. Rule of thumb. If you ever go to this place do not order a ... crap... I can't remember what it's called. Oh, panscrambler. Apparently it is really spicy and icky. Well, at 4:30 we decided to head out. That sucked but we where both tired and we where sobered up so driving at this point was a option. I can honestly say I didn't want the night to end. I had to much fun and the company was incredible. I just hope we can do it again sometime.
Anyhow, we danced and flirted and danced and flirted some more. We got a bright idea that walking to Humpty's for breakfast with Annette would be a fab idea. We froze our nuts off (well, lack there of on my part). I didn't mind. Body heat can be a good thing sometimes. Rule of thumb. If you ever go to this place do not order a ... crap... I can't remember what it's called. Oh, panscrambler. Apparently it is really spicy and icky. Well, at 4:30 we decided to head out. That sucked but we where both tired and we where sobered up so driving at this point was a option. I can honestly say I didn't want the night to end. I had to much fun and the company was incredible. I just hope we can do it again sometime.
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
OK, seriously I need a hug. Today preferably. But if today never comes then tomorrow perhaps. Soon would be great. I also need a good shot of Vodka or Rum... Maybe some Sour Puss Crap. No, that stuff is to ugly. I am off to school. I should put some Baileys in my coffee. That may stir things up a bit.
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
For Someone Special
You make me smile
Like no one has
Been so long since and time has passed
Not so brave and definatly more shy
Approachment is definatly more hard to come by
Poking and giggles, a margarita or two
I am having a blast just being around you
Theft of a stool, pepper overload and more
I swear next time I will run for the door
You are who you say and that makes you neat
Even if you tease me, and try to tickle my feet
You listen, you laugh and even climbed up a tree
Now that was impressive, I have pictures for all to see
Attack of a pencil, seeing black and white lace
Spongebob in hiding because he lost the race
I can't seem to study or focus quite well
It's your contribution but I still think your swell
You smell like Armani, Hugo, plus more I can't think
If it where anyone else, I am sure they would stink
I hope some day you'll let me see some more of that mind
Thanks superman, your truly one of a kind
Like no one has
Been so long since and time has passed
Not so brave and definatly more shy
Approachment is definatly more hard to come by
Poking and giggles, a margarita or two
I am having a blast just being around you
Theft of a stool, pepper overload and more
I swear next time I will run for the door
You are who you say and that makes you neat
Even if you tease me, and try to tickle my feet
You listen, you laugh and even climbed up a tree
Now that was impressive, I have pictures for all to see
Attack of a pencil, seeing black and white lace
Spongebob in hiding because he lost the race
I can't seem to study or focus quite well
It's your contribution but I still think your swell
You smell like Armani, Hugo, plus more I can't think
If it where anyone else, I am sure they would stink
I hope some day you'll let me see some more of that mind
Thanks superman, your truly one of a kind
Can anyone figure this one out? So totally happened to me today.
Like your jumping on clouds
Flutter, Open
It grows cold, I shiver
Up and Down
Black then light, Black then light
Stop it!
Wide. Wide open.
Don't acknowledge
It gets stronger
Stronger and Stronger
Down. Down. Down.
Like your jumping on clouds
Flutter, Open
It grows cold, I shiver
Up and Down
Black then light, Black then light
Stop it!
Wide. Wide open.
Don't acknowledge
It gets stronger
Stronger and Stronger
Down. Down. Down.
My stalker friend and I went out to study last night to BP"S .... nether the less to say... I got 3 questions done and he got maybe one. I had a blast. It was awsome. I think I just may have to do it again.
I skipped spanish today to get a personal tutor session from my friend "Harry", actually it's Henry but it's a long story. He was supposed to give me the answers but instead he made me look up eveything. I mean everything. The guy is fluent in the language and he made me work my ass off. Well, at least I know that I won't fail the upcoming spanish test.
On other notes, I have nothing really flailing around in this head of mine today. I suppose that I am on overload from all the school stuff.... ick.. I hate school at the moment. I wish I could just jump out of my own thoughts for just a few moments and be free from all the psychological "clutter".... well, maybe organization is in order?
I am moving in a couple of weeks... I can't wait. This means totally happiness and one big stress reliever. For all who know the situation - it's been to long and about time!!! Anyone wanna help? I need some muscle to move this huge ass piano of mine... The other stuff I think I can handle..
Anyhow, yes, I am going to stop at that. I think composing is in order. Yeah, I need to nourish my musical talents. *sigh* promise it will be better next time.
I skipped spanish today to get a personal tutor session from my friend "Harry", actually it's Henry but it's a long story. He was supposed to give me the answers but instead he made me look up eveything. I mean everything. The guy is fluent in the language and he made me work my ass off. Well, at least I know that I won't fail the upcoming spanish test.
On other notes, I have nothing really flailing around in this head of mine today. I suppose that I am on overload from all the school stuff.... ick.. I hate school at the moment. I wish I could just jump out of my own thoughts for just a few moments and be free from all the psychological "clutter".... well, maybe organization is in order?
I am moving in a couple of weeks... I can't wait. This means totally happiness and one big stress reliever. For all who know the situation - it's been to long and about time!!! Anyone wanna help? I need some muscle to move this huge ass piano of mine... The other stuff I think I can handle..
Anyhow, yes, I am going to stop at that. I think composing is in order. Yeah, I need to nourish my musical talents. *sigh* promise it will be better next time.
Monday, October 18, 2004
Frigan Crazy Alberta Drivers!!!
So I am on my way home this morning and I'm taking a turn off the highway going to lethbridge. Some guy flicks his lights at me from on coming traffic... hello!... I don't have my high beams on! Then I go to turn and the jack ass behind me decides he's going to pass me - not on the shoulder but on the oncoming traffic side. Who in their right minds gives a licence to someone who does this?!??!?! I so would have been killed cause the asshole was going about 80KM's.... I had Emma in the back seat so let me tell you - No name that isn't in the Oxford Dictionary went unused. Well, there where some. What a great start to a lousy monday. And to top it all off - it's cold out. It's supposed to snow some more (I'm gonna hit who ever ordered this crap) and I shaved my legs yesterday so I could wear a skirt. I am still going to wear it even if I have to freeze my touchie (spelling?) off. I really don't care at this point. But I must say , I am having a wicked hair day.
Sunday, October 17, 2004
Got no clue....
I see the sun creep up in on the distant. I wonder why it does that everyday without hesitation. It's unbelievable how something could not argue about the repetitiveness of it all and just say the hell with it. It takes each day in strides.It never refutes to being who it is. It never gets overwealmed with the anxiety of our world. It never doubts. When it has had enough it simply lays down and goes to sleep. Then when the new day has come, it never questions whether it should try again.
Saturday, October 16, 2004
So i decided that I was much to picky about my perfect man.This is he.
A man who loves, honors and respects all of what I hold dearest to my heart, all of my ambitions and who I will become. He will love all of me.
A man who loves, honors and respects all of what I hold dearest to my heart, all of my ambitions and who I will become. He will love all of me.
Mother Nature is So Cruel
I went bra shopping yesterday. By the sounds of that one can guess what todays beef is. Well, let me tell you! I had a miserable realization of just how mean nature is. Two years ago I was a boisterous full"34C"... then magically after Emma I was able to sustain a "36D" for 6 months. Now, after yesterdays event, I have come to realize that I am now a "33A" (I know what your thinking but 32 is just a wee to tight and 34 is just a wee to big). Talk about depressing. Why is it that everytime a woman loses weight their chest is the first thing to disapear?! The only place a woman doesn't mind having adipose deposits is on the chest. And what happens? It (being the boobs) packs up and leaves. It's as if there is a internal alarm that say "evacuate premices" and and the first thing to barge on out is our knockers. Back to my story though. I went to the Bay because of course they where having a actuall sale for once. I grabbed what I thought would fit and tried them on. Frustration set in fairly quickly and I made my way back to the rack. I picked out the next size down... again.. back to the rack. The third time was a success but also had me in tears. I am almost to the point where I have to compete with the walls. That is what this new size represents. I am pleased though because they actually have these little "bubbles" filled with air or water. But, I am at guard because if anyone where to mistakenly bump me with a pencil or poke me in the chest with anything remotely sharp would cause a shift in gravity and resort to lopsidedness.That being said I think I may just resort to implants.
Thursday, October 14, 2004
I need a hug...
It's to early in the morning to think straight. It's to early to be able to write a logical Psych Summary thats due in 2 hours. I have no coffee. I am sick of toaster struddle- so what if they are on sale at Walmart for less than $2.00- I just don't care anymore. My eyes are so puffy people are going to think I crawled out of a cave. Last night I bought a pair of fleecy pants. I took pride in not giving into the urge of wearing them. So much for that idea. I got new socks. They look odd. I really miss Emma and I have sooo much studying to do this weekend. I am so behind that I even owe somebody a whole bunch of sits and can't catch up to that. Life is just swell at the moment.
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
This isn't supposed to be the home sight... My stalker is changing that apparently... How fun... :)... Anyhow... At least now someone sees this bloody thing I work so diligently on...
I had a brilliant idea this morning. I was on my way to school and then spilled half my breakfast on my car floor. To hell with paper cups, why not use a sippy cup? I mean it's perfectly logical as to why it would be much more effective on preventing the dreaded morning spill- every morning. I can't recall how many times I have spilled my coffee or tea in class, or witnessed someone else do the same thing. A sippy cup would solve all the problems. Just screw on the lid and go. When you want a gulp you just suck on the lid. No worrying about spilling or dripping on your shirt, you can get ones with handles so no need to "dress" up your cup with a sleeve and when in fact you do decide to wear that brand new white shirt to school you don't have to worry about getting your coffee on it like I did today!!! Gosh, I seriously am going to do this. It's most logical this way .. It really is. Maybe I will start a fad?!?!... Who's gonna join in with me???
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Monday, October 11, 2004
Two birds with one stone
It is thanksgibing today. It is also Emmas birthday. I guess I could start by saying I am so thankful that I have my daughter in my life. I love everthything about her and wouldn't change anything. She makes it sunny when the day is grey. She fullfills any darkness or sadness in my life. She makes me smile even when I shouldn't. She brings out the best in me. She makes me feel like the most special person on earth because she needs me and I give her what she needs. Gosh, it's swell being one. Why can't I be one again?
She woke up this morning and the first thing I did was sing happy birthday. I don't think she understood the concept or maybe she just didn't like my singing. She found my Diet Pepesi I was looking for all and percieved it to be a bottle. Then climed the mountain of stairs and demanded pancakes (she really did!). Now, she is playing with the bucket that Grandma gave her to play in the sand when we go to the beach. I wish I had sand. Well, I suppose I will bring her out to play with the leaves today. That will be fun. Have some cake and for once eat it to. Yipee! IGA cake is the best! Ok - off we go.
She woke up this morning and the first thing I did was sing happy birthday. I don't think she understood the concept or maybe she just didn't like my singing. She found my Diet Pepesi I was looking for all and percieved it to be a bottle. Then climed the mountain of stairs and demanded pancakes (she really did!). Now, she is playing with the bucket that Grandma gave her to play in the sand when we go to the beach. I wish I had sand. Well, I suppose I will bring her out to play with the leaves today. That will be fun. Have some cake and for once eat it to. Yipee! IGA cake is the best! Ok - off we go.
I was actually in the shower when I thought of this one... Where do I come up with this stuff?
I hate my stretch marks, but I love where they came from
I hate getting up at 5:30 in the morning, but I love the reason why
I can't stand studying, but I understand the outcome
I can't stand being cold, but I love what it means to warm up
I hate dropping my child off to day care, but I love to pick her up
I don't like divorce and separation, but I admire the peace it brings
I hate not knowing when I may die, but I understand that life is short
I hate money, but understand what it can do
I hate men, but I love them also
I can't stand fighting, but I agree with making up
I don't like hurting, but I know that's how one learns
I hate life in general but I also love it....
Isn't life a wonderful contradiction?
I hate my stretch marks, but I love where they came from
I hate getting up at 5:30 in the morning, but I love the reason why
I can't stand studying, but I understand the outcome
I can't stand being cold, but I love what it means to warm up
I hate dropping my child off to day care, but I love to pick her up
I don't like divorce and separation, but I admire the peace it brings
I hate not knowing when I may die, but I understand that life is short
I hate money, but understand what it can do
I hate men, but I love them also
I can't stand fighting, but I agree with making up
I don't like hurting, but I know that's how one learns
I hate life in general but I also love it....
Isn't life a wonderful contradiction?
ok, I love it when I come and check my page and there is a little number in the comment box. I always get a little excited and my heart goes a little faster wondering who has commented. Then it turns out to be someone I don't even know who. Talk about disapointing!.....
crap... you know I can be a bitch at times and this is a perfect example.... I recieved a post from a unknown person who was trying to be nice and it came across that I didn't appriciate it. I did. Thankyou Tinyfingures and I apologize for my ignorance. I was wrong in venting my disappointment and I want all to know that every comment is appriciated. I take things for granted sometimes. I guess it's in my human nature to do so at points. I need to work on this area. That is all.
crap... you know I can be a bitch at times and this is a perfect example.... I recieved a post from a unknown person who was trying to be nice and it came across that I didn't appriciate it. I did. Thankyou Tinyfingures and I apologize for my ignorance. I was wrong in venting my disappointment and I want all to know that every comment is appriciated. I take things for granted sometimes. I guess it's in my human nature to do so at points. I need to work on this area. That is all.
Friday, October 08, 2004
The Perfect Man
Someone once asked me what my views of a perfect man where. I of course spouted off things that where totally unrealistic in men and vented away. I found myself thinking more about what a man should posses and what sorts of qualities he should have. I soon gathered a list - so here goes.
Becca’s Perfect Dream Man
He must respect himself. A man is almost in capable of love if he doesn't appreciate who he is first. He must have goals and aspirations and have a sense of self-gratification in life. He must have a open mind. He needs to be supportive and try to see the meaning in my crazy ideas sometimes. He is of high maintenance -but internally. He has to compliment me. Be sensitive and aware of his surroundings. He has to be quick to listen and slow to speak. He has to attempt to be understanding even if at first he sees no logic in my actions or words. He will trust me and know that if I say I love him will actually know that is what I truly mean. He will see the not so obvious in me and respect those attributes. Most importantly, he will take into consideration it's just not me and that I come as a package deal. He will embrace both of us and realize that my daughter is not a mistake but a gift and he will respect that. He will be faithful not only to me but to his morals and beliefs. He will stand for what is right and try to correct what is wrong. He will not lose hope if things are not always perfect because life is never perfect. He will see the ignorance in me and try to correct it. He will show affection but give me space when it is needed. He will console me when I cry and even though the reason may be totally ridiculous he will ignore the matter and just hold me.
For the goofy stuff,
Willing to try the outrageous, and the unthinkable. That means if I feel like attaching a 454 to the back of a shopping cart then he's willing to jump on in with me just for thrills. He has to be able to sit through those sappy movies with me because I am willing to sit through his. He has to be able to bare the thought that I do belt out songs by artists like Nsync and OTOWN... guilty I do plead. He has to be able to share his food with me and understand that sometimes I am possessive of mine (what woman isn't?). He has to be patient enough to go through the mall with me and not rush when I'm making that most ridiculous decision of weather my ass looks bigger in black or blue. He will be patient when I am getting ready even though my hair looked the same as it did 30 minutes ago. He will learn how to iron his shirt and fold correctly. He will know what hangers are used for and realize that some clothes do get hung up (I am a closet freak - who doesn't have their quirks?). He will realize that I am totally unrealistic at times and point that out...(waiting for her comments). A qualified or equivalent Swedish masseuse would be fantastic! He will understand that at points I am a total girl but at other times a total tomboy. He will laugh at my jokes even though they are usually pathetic. He should be open to learning how to dance. He will teach me how to do crazy "man" stuff. He will realize that when he is beginning to see two of me that he has had too much to drink. He will dance with me at the bar and perhaps when we are alone. He will shave. He will pick out a tree and carve out names in it. He will do all that cheesy stuff a man is supposed to do like take me to the drive in and try to sneak a kiss when he thinks no one is looking. He will be a great kisser. He is willing to learn how to kiss great. He will not change his thinking patterns and the way he is just because I am a total quack. He will realize that Diet Pepsi is in fact a food group. He will not lie to me when my ass does in fact look huge on a particular occasion. He will realize that I am indeed usually late for social gatherings and just come to the conclusion that being fashionably late is better anyhow. He will realize that this whole writing is coming completely from a unrealistic side of me and that this is just indeedly for fun. He will know that I do realize I am being completely irrational and that I know this man does not exist.
A woman can dream can't she?
Becca’s Perfect Dream Man
He must respect himself. A man is almost in capable of love if he doesn't appreciate who he is first. He must have goals and aspirations and have a sense of self-gratification in life. He must have a open mind. He needs to be supportive and try to see the meaning in my crazy ideas sometimes. He is of high maintenance -but internally. He has to compliment me. Be sensitive and aware of his surroundings. He has to be quick to listen and slow to speak. He has to attempt to be understanding even if at first he sees no logic in my actions or words. He will trust me and know that if I say I love him will actually know that is what I truly mean. He will see the not so obvious in me and respect those attributes. Most importantly, he will take into consideration it's just not me and that I come as a package deal. He will embrace both of us and realize that my daughter is not a mistake but a gift and he will respect that. He will be faithful not only to me but to his morals and beliefs. He will stand for what is right and try to correct what is wrong. He will not lose hope if things are not always perfect because life is never perfect. He will see the ignorance in me and try to correct it. He will show affection but give me space when it is needed. He will console me when I cry and even though the reason may be totally ridiculous he will ignore the matter and just hold me.
For the goofy stuff,
Willing to try the outrageous, and the unthinkable. That means if I feel like attaching a 454 to the back of a shopping cart then he's willing to jump on in with me just for thrills. He has to be able to sit through those sappy movies with me because I am willing to sit through his. He has to be able to bare the thought that I do belt out songs by artists like Nsync and OTOWN... guilty I do plead. He has to be able to share his food with me and understand that sometimes I am possessive of mine (what woman isn't?). He has to be patient enough to go through the mall with me and not rush when I'm making that most ridiculous decision of weather my ass looks bigger in black or blue. He will be patient when I am getting ready even though my hair looked the same as it did 30 minutes ago. He will learn how to iron his shirt and fold correctly. He will know what hangers are used for and realize that some clothes do get hung up (I am a closet freak - who doesn't have their quirks?). He will realize that I am totally unrealistic at times and point that out...(waiting for her comments). A qualified or equivalent Swedish masseuse would be fantastic! He will understand that at points I am a total girl but at other times a total tomboy. He will laugh at my jokes even though they are usually pathetic. He should be open to learning how to dance. He will teach me how to do crazy "man" stuff. He will realize that when he is beginning to see two of me that he has had too much to drink. He will dance with me at the bar and perhaps when we are alone. He will shave. He will pick out a tree and carve out names in it. He will do all that cheesy stuff a man is supposed to do like take me to the drive in and try to sneak a kiss when he thinks no one is looking. He will be a great kisser. He is willing to learn how to kiss great. He will not change his thinking patterns and the way he is just because I am a total quack. He will realize that Diet Pepsi is in fact a food group. He will not lie to me when my ass does in fact look huge on a particular occasion. He will realize that I am indeed usually late for social gatherings and just come to the conclusion that being fashionably late is better anyhow. He will realize that this whole writing is coming completely from a unrealistic side of me and that this is just indeedly for fun. He will know that I do realize I am being completely irrational and that I know this man does not exist.
A woman can dream can't she?
Must I?
For what occasion did I shave my legs for?
I really don't understand the concept of shaving your legs sometimes. Especially if no one is going to see them. I know that it's been almost 5 months since the last time anyone really cared what condition my legs where in. I recently just shaved my legs but the only reason was I wanted to wear a skirt to school. That is the only reason. I am the laziest person on earth when it comes to shaving. See, before yesterday, I swear I was coming close to that tree loving hippy in "Without a Paddle". Not as extensive but if I waited another 2 weeks, I bet I could have come in 2nd. There is so much primping and preening involved. You have to get the right razor and after two weeks of use with that one you gotta switch again cause those damn hair follicles start noticing a pattern and freaking out. Razors are frigan expensive to! My recent use was a Intuition. Great razor. All you needed was what it came with. You don't need any soap or gel or anything. It was absolutely magnificent and the fastest shave I had ever encountered, but of course I had to switch because my skin is so gosh darn sensitive. I do admit I have a pack of those cheap ass disposables in my vanity at my house - but that's only used for backup and if there happens to be some tragedy and the razor thief has invaded my household. So, let us just assume that I need to replace my disposables. So, back to the reasoning behind it. I just don't understand why men have to be so anal about it. We are not so picky about them shaving there faces so why do they have to be so insistant that we keep up with the program. They honestly have no clue what we must endure. There are so many process and in the end you usually end up with a couple of nicks anyhow. For the love of god! If I ever meet the man or woman who made shaving a law I am gonna kill em. Don't get me wrong, I think it is absolutely disgusting when I see hairy legs on girls. I really am just venting and of course if I ever think I am going to encounter the opposite sex - of course I will give in and de-fuzz myself.
I really don't understand the concept of shaving your legs sometimes. Especially if no one is going to see them. I know that it's been almost 5 months since the last time anyone really cared what condition my legs where in. I recently just shaved my legs but the only reason was I wanted to wear a skirt to school. That is the only reason. I am the laziest person on earth when it comes to shaving. See, before yesterday, I swear I was coming close to that tree loving hippy in "Without a Paddle". Not as extensive but if I waited another 2 weeks, I bet I could have come in 2nd. There is so much primping and preening involved. You have to get the right razor and after two weeks of use with that one you gotta switch again cause those damn hair follicles start noticing a pattern and freaking out. Razors are frigan expensive to! My recent use was a Intuition. Great razor. All you needed was what it came with. You don't need any soap or gel or anything. It was absolutely magnificent and the fastest shave I had ever encountered, but of course I had to switch because my skin is so gosh darn sensitive. I do admit I have a pack of those cheap ass disposables in my vanity at my house - but that's only used for backup and if there happens to be some tragedy and the razor thief has invaded my household. So, let us just assume that I need to replace my disposables. So, back to the reasoning behind it. I just don't understand why men have to be so anal about it. We are not so picky about them shaving there faces so why do they have to be so insistant that we keep up with the program. They honestly have no clue what we must endure. There are so many process and in the end you usually end up with a couple of nicks anyhow. For the love of god! If I ever meet the man or woman who made shaving a law I am gonna kill em. Don't get me wrong, I think it is absolutely disgusting when I see hairy legs on girls. I really am just venting and of course if I ever think I am going to encounter the opposite sex - of course I will give in and de-fuzz myself.
Why is it that every time I have a brilliant idea it seems to drift out of my mind the instant I get to my notebook?? I guess its Murphy’s law. I actually have developed a theory on the whole concept if you scroll down to screw Murphy. Cognitively my mind is expanding like a frigan sponge. It is truly remarkable how well I have adapted to school. Common sense on the other hand – well, that has seemed to stay on the doormat. I swear ever since the first day of school I have gone downhill in the way I perceive things. I can’t even hold sensible conversation without getting lost and having to say “what”? or “huh”. I guess they don’t have that in fine print when you register. I do have a hypothesis to support my theory though. I think I just have so much on my plate at the moment and my mind is everywhere else but present conversation. I swear you can almost see the wheels turning when I am conversing. Even my mother whom I have not seen in over two weeks had to snap me out of my “realm” and bring me back into reality. Gosh, I sure hope that this whole thing blows over and I relearn how to focus out of the classroom. Well, to all out there whom I lose conversation with – My most sincerest apologies… Becca will eventually take her head out of her ass and come to grips with reality soon enough.
Thursday, October 07, 2004
There is a reason if I may....
Ok... I am going to bed. If there is no Becca at school tomorrow then someone needs to seriously come to my house, wonder on down stairs into the basement, pull the covers off my face and drag me up the two flights of stairs, push me into a exhilarating cold shower and then put me in my car. I cannot afford to miss another day of school... I will be furious if it happens. Why! Why must there be a snooze button on clock radios. I am far to fond of mine. I swear the damn thing is almost dead because I put it to use so much. I am totally fine if I wake up 10 minutes before the alarm. But if I must wake up to that buzzing sound, you can be sure the snooze is gonna get clobbered. I actually used to wake up to radio - but then I think I was beginning to adjust to Mr. Savages lame ass jokes and I began sleeping through. Now the only thing that gets my fat ass out of bed is that buzzing sound. I am surprised all of Medicine Hat (or just Southridge for that matter) doesn't wake up to it. Yes, it is that loud. Well, being the hypocondriac that I am it could be due to my deafness... who knows.. I should get that checked out. Ok, this is turning into mindless mumble jumble. I am going to sleep. Good night all. It's off to dream land I go.
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
Ok, so this is the third time in the course of less than 12 hours I have updated this silly thing. Hey, I suppose I have inspiration to write today. Or maybe I just have this overwhelming feeling of neglect that I must conquer. Who knows. Have I said how much I love my fiber optic friends? Well, most of them anyhow. I do. I really love em. I love the fact that I can trust them with pretty much anything and they won't broadcast it to the entire universe. I love it how they share there input even when it's not desired but they know I need to hear it. I love the fact that if one of them goes anal there is always that shiny red Ignore button that I can press. I used to have a broad range of FOF"s but a lot of them turned out "different". There was this one who I am thinking was in jail (though he never admitted), there was another who, everytime, I got on cam, would request that shirt and pants leave the room (sheesh, a girl gets enough of this in the real world!), there are some who once realized that I had a child threw lil miss gigifly to the curb (they weren't good enough anyhow). It's hilarious actually if you think about just how many people you come across on this thing. All sorts really. In some ways I think it lets the imagine take off or it can give a person a chance to be "just you". Some see as it being totally the opposite and conjure up every detail from a lie (call them imaginative will you). I have never actually met someone from online- call it distance or maybe fate but I just never have. There are a few people I would love to meet. Two in particular but for two very different reasons. Anyhow, I won't give away there identity because it's always fun to keep them wondering. I guess what I am really boiling down to is "A big thanks to you all who are my FOF"S - I respect, admire, and adore what I hold with each of you and I appreciate that you accept who Becca is."
Screw Murphy, Screw the Law
I hate Murphy's Law. I am pretty sure that all of you know what it is but for those who don't it basically says this "If anything can go wrong, it will." It involves times when your standing in line for those tickets and as soon as you get to the front you find they just sold the last one to the person before hand, it's when your trying to pull your hair back with that only elastic you have and it breaks. It's when your going to the bathroom and all of the sudden you realize you have only 1/2 sheet of TP left and you just took a #2 (disgusting I know, but it happens to the best of us). Murphy's Law is the predicament of chaos. I am sure of it. I really am considering changing my last name because I swear I should have been a Murphy. Take today. Emma and I get in the car and a give her a little bite of banana only to have it come flying back at me with everything else that sat in her stomach. After scraping off the chunks and throwing her in the bathtub (by this time I am already 15 minutes last)we proceed out the door to the sitters. I am on my way to school and traffic is nuts. I get stuck waiting for a 40 car line up to the college only to get stuck behind a 3 car pile up and of course no one in the city of Medicine Hat has the decency to let me squeak on in. My phone is just about dead and I have no fruity computer this morning. The computers at school are all PC's and to make matters worse I had to park all the way at the end of the parking lot. I feel lost and totally estranged. I need a hug.
Gosh I wish I could Remember
I really miss being two or three - even though I can't remember being that old. I would love to have no worries or no doubts in life. No complications and no one telling you what you can't do rather than what you can. But, I am not that old anymore and I have to be strong for myself and those around me. I know of this woman who is going through a much needed divorce. I actually have been on her to do this for a long time. I just can't believe she has stayed with the man for 3 years and endured what she has. I commended her for trying to be strong but at other points I am so angry for letting herself endure the abuse she has for so long. How can a woman let herself be vulnerable to that situation. It's irrational thinking. I know the events that has happened in the last few days has caused me to feel a lot of hate (I have never really felt that feeling until now to be honest). I know if I ever see that man again I would probally try to do away with him but I know that the she needs me right now- more than ever- and all I can do is offer some moral support and comfort. I guess this is all part of growing up. But why does it have to entail so much pain on others?
Monday, October 04, 2004
To be Stalked or To be the Stalker.. That is the question???
I have a stalker. No, it may be the other way around. Well, which ever it really is it is a blast. See, for all who know me well, I have this thing for Boston Pizza (my coffee place). This summer my baby friends started noticing that another group was going as frequent as we were to Boston Pizza. We had exchanged a few words and names and soon where very distant acquaintances. Well, not very long after that I noticed that I was seeing one of the guys from the group in random places around the Hat. At the mall, the stampede, even driving. It was totally weird. When I started school it was daily. Now I run into him every day. I now refer to this man as My stalker and he refers to me as his. The only thing is that it changes every day. If I am in a particular place first and he arrives- he is the stalker. If I arrive and he is there - I am the stalker. Whenever we "bump" into each other it usually consists of some smiles and small talk then we are on our ways. It's actually super fun and I find myself wondering when my stalker will show up next. Weird? Yes but Fun? Absolutely.
Saturday, October 02, 2004
Friday, October 01, 2004
The Big One is Around the Corner
It is Emma's first birthday on the 11th of October and I am totally stumped as to what I am actually going to do for it. I am in somewhat of denial because I think back and there can be no way that it has actually been a year. It seems like almost a minute ago that she was amost 6lbs and relied on me for everything. Now, I think in a way it's the other way around. Sometimes she is the only thing that gets me through the day. I could have the worst possible happenings and I will come home and see her torturing the cat or hauling down all my tea towls off the stove and it just makes me laugh and warm up inside. I just can't believe she's almost one now. I think the denial part also has to deal with the fact that I am getting older and that's just not supposed to happen. Well, I guess I will have to take this in strides.
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