Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Turn The Page

It's been one hell of a storm. The clouds are clearing, the sun is piercing through and there is an extra bright rainbow shining brightly over the horizon. 

This next chapter- It's going to be incredible. There has been 37 chapters thus far. With those there has been buckets of tears spilled over many, many pages but with that has bloomed many branches that has enticed a ridiculous amount of inner growth.
Time to bloom,baby.  

The Low Down on Not Being A Shitty Person

Yup, we need this. Our generation needs this. It's like we've entered into this vortex of assholes and we cannot seem to pull ourselves out.

So, here goes: How to Not be Shitty:

1. Be Present, Stop talking and Fucking Listen. Just LISTEN.

2. Ego get Lost

3. Don't close your Dome to the Lesson (really, you can learn something from anything....)

4. Be Unequivocally Positive. That's Right- even if someone pisses in your Cheerios- be glad it wasn't on the floor, smile and get a new bowl.

5. Don't spread shit. No one likes a gossip- so don't sprinkle it around like fairy dust because chances are it will just fall upon you. When you see the dust flying, grab a vacuum.

6. Be more DEFINITE with your words. Own your decisions and opinions.

7. Tell a good story without harming someone.

8. Help. Just fucking help. Open the door, help Janet with her groceries, save a whale. Helping others creates the cool pay it forward effect.

9. Give Back- No really- drop your change in the donation bucket, give your sandwich to wondering Mitch, donate to the children's hospital. Whatever. 

9.5 Love without reservation and dedication. Love your family. Love your spouse. Love you friends but also your enemy’s (even though that’s really hard).  Because with love- comes peace. 

10. Stop cussing. It creates a fucking hostile environment. 

Saturday, January 05, 2019

The Blanket

This blanket it covers the parts of me
The details fade in the dark
However-They are still there
The memories itch under the wool
Reminding me
The struggle to escape the heat.
The unbearable itchy heat
It's unpleasant torment
I struggle in this tent to find that spot
It's almost in my reach and if I can just...
just...just.... just reach my nails so it would disappear.
Poof like Magic