Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Checking in on the List.....

....revised. ... again...
1. Quadruple Syked Photography regarding production and amount of photos on site- Get Noticed- Grow the Business. Be recognized in the photo world.
2. Gymnastics- Gym Ops. Gym Momentum Canada. MAKE IT HAPPEN.
3. Waterton-  trek Crypt lake and Red Rock canyon....***revised**** hot spring
4. GM Camp- Bring a team- increase enrollment and make a change in some inter city kids lives
5. Sell my condo and relocate.
7. Shoot with Grace Chiu again
8. Buy a new lens- fisheye. And maybe just maybe a camera bag. SIGH
9. Road trip to the coast (doesn't matter which one)
10. An Iceland fishing trip!
11. Fall in love
12. Paint more!
13. Do another cover on guitar and piano. Not simultaneously though
14. Attend 1 hockey game, one opera and one concert15. Touch the ocean- again
16. Teach the kids to ski.
17. Spend some quality time with the big G-Ma. 
18. Remember to let those close to me know how much I love and appreciate them more often
20. Watch a LIVE football game
21. To jump off a bridge into the sea ...:)
22. Create an art piece for the home that doesn't resemble something my 6 year olds made
23. Pull an all nighter and feel good the next day (ie. Spectate and observe)
24. Give up banana chips
25. Make waves in IG.
26. design something that doesnt cause concern.
27. Become the main supplier for a equipment company in Iceland.
28. See europe. If only just a little bit.
29. Cycle 20 km in under 25 min.
30. Hiking trek that doesnt include lava underfoot... 

Friday, August 15, 2014

Dating: Action Speak Loudly. So Do Words

Here we go again. At this point I could start writing a book on the topic. I had a thought that recently hit me square in the face. A logical explanation why people perhaps are so frustrated with the 'process'.

Plain and simple- we have stopped listening to our hearts. 

I believe in a way we have become so confused of what we think we should require that we have muted the basic primal instinct on laws of attraction. Gone is the simplicity of it all. We now question what our hearts truly desire.

See the law of attraction goes like this:

Man likes WOMAN
Woman like MAN
They communicate.

This magical word. COMMUNICATE. Perhaps I blame social media (yes-you read that right - means of communication that perhaps kills communication!?!?!?). I blame the social standards set by the media. The articles and books on how to 'land' your potential signifigant other.The GAMES that are to be played. The many options in which we can meet people (now there is online dating, speed dating, hook ups, match makers, facebook, chat rooms (this I WILL blog about later), etc, etc) are ever evolving and we decide to engage in many of these methods at once. OH the CONFUSION!!!! We have many choices available yet half the time we don't know ourselves what we want anymore because it has been engrained in our heads that we should always be looking for the next best thing. We fail to listen to our basic instincts and what are bodies are telling us we truly want.  We question the 'process' and enter into this rat race of always looking for better. We are constantly being told to not be satisfied. To keep shopping. Yes. SHOPPING.

There is a flip side to this....a positive however.

I have also learned  a very valuable lesson which is when someone is ready to settle into a relationship and they have been through this experience (like i have) or are just one of those lucky few who have ignored all the aboved stated bullshit and are just going purely based on the experience placed in front of them they will generally be very forward and persue what they want with maximum effort. Hopefully- they will meet someone who is willing to do the same thus avoiding the game playing. No question or doubting.  I have read so many articles about how to win a guy over or how to capture his heart.... but after 'practicing' all these various suggestions I realized one thing: I learned that if the other person is not putting in the effort to capture your heart like you are..... move on.

When you want something bad enough- you chase it. Just like your life goals or dreams. If the conncection is strong enough both parties will persue it with maximum effort. There won't be doubt. 

I also don't wait around any longer. I simply wish to have my efforts reciprocated. I am very open with my feelings and forward with what I want (look how many times have I wrote about it!). If a man is failing to display interest then I WON'T wait for a text or for him to ask me out again. Out of sight is simply out of mind at this point.It's difficult to aquire adult time so when someone doesn't exercise effort I simply refuse to waste anymore of my energy on them. When I meet someone, tell them how I feel and then there is little given back I simply assume they are not interested, shrug my shoulders, say good luck and move on.

I am just not playing the 'Game' anymore. I truly know what I want and if that other person doesn't or isn't returning the desire....well....I know they simply are not right for me...

Monday, August 04, 2014

Love this.

Sam Smith - Stay With Me (Alex G Acoustic Cover):


A roof top coffee and people watching.

Life is getting grander each day.

Sunday, August 03, 2014

Insert good feeling here

Sometimes a simple brush on the arm or smile with the eyes can make your heart skip into next week.


Just saying.