Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Somewhat of a relevation...Or just a mass of confusion.

Drama Drama Drama. Why is it that the human race has to create so much of it? I recently was thinking how brilliant it would be if there was just less of it. Relationships would flourish, optomism would increase and people in general would just be happier. Yes there are certain books on how to minimize ones dramatic ordeals and how to cope with certain situations - but who in gods names actually reads those? Not I that's for certain. Well, that is somewhat of a lie. I tried once to read "Men are from Mars... " I got to the second chapter and was so sick of the martian vrs. venetian crap I almost chucked. Men and woman are the same with the exception of a penis, some boobs and hormones. We think the same. We just have this preconcieved notion that we are different and thats what causes the drama. I say it is all reasoned insanity. We have all lost our minds completely and have accepted todays norms with open arms and in all sense are willing to accept anything that isn't the way of our culture.
Lets take for example eating out. He asks what she feels like. She says subway and he secretly prays for Macdonalds. Now does she really want subway or is that a attempt to follow the norms of society and jump on the band wagon of dieters just so she can say she is in the loop or.. does she really want to say to hell with it and scarf down that delicious bacon double cheeseburger and a supersize fry with a non-diet coke? Yes a Non Diet coke. Heck YES!
I can sadly say I am one of these women. Well, not so much on the burger. It is the fact that society is the one that creates the tension just so we can indeedly conform with the rest of them just because Jarred says so. Well, to hell with Jarred. To hell with it. I am sick and tired of being dragged along with sociological norms and I put my foot down.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Get Off Your ASS!

Nothing irritates me more than seeing students using a backpack on wheels to tote around there belongings. What gets to me even more is that these students are the usually "larger" and by this I mean the usually obese students. It really gets my panties in a twist when I see this. I don't know if its just sheer laziness or the fact that they are able to afford the luggage because of their disability checks they receive in the mail. Either way. Yet another scenario. I was taking the elevator ( this is justifiable because my bag weighs about 30 lbs with all my books I tote around (without the wheels)and taking the stairs is just mean on my body... Anyhow, in walks twiggy with her pen. We ride up to the 3rd floor and exit the elevator. She is in front of me - with her pen and only her pen. She then proceeds to the doors, goes to open it, then decides that's too much work and presses the handicap door opener thing. I had to wait a extra 10 seconds because she was to damn impotent to open the door with her free hand. How lame was that - SO LAME!

Friday, January 14, 2005

The 5th food group- Caffine.

The group is derived from mainly empty sources of nutrition that have no signifigant value what-so-ever to ones dietery needs. It provides a jolt of energy when required. It is very comparable to a cold splash in the face or a stranger making an uninhibited decision to sit,naked, on a bench in the Castro district (if this doesn't wake you up then honey, NOTHING will).

It curbs the sugar craving without actually contributing to ones hip circumference (well, that's not scientifically correct but I shall declare the theory factual until otherwise proven).

You can whirl it together with pretty much anything. There are so many ways in which it can be consumed. In a mug, in dessert (careful, my theory now stands on a grossly thin sheet of ice), in its raw form, in MARSHMELLOWS?!?!?!?!?, etc, it, you can find the many ways.

Apparently, you are less likely to suffer from Parkinson's. Another notch on the coolness belt.

When taken as an enema, it detoxifies the liver and cleanses the colon. Everyone wants a clean colon, right?

It can reduce post workout soreness by 48%. Shit you not .... Well, that's arguable considering the above statement.

One word STAMINA.

Anyhow, as addictive as it is, realize one thing. Without it, you simply may not be as fabulous. That's something you don't want to chance, correct?

Time for my cup of java.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Attack of my Stove

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKE!!!.... actually, when I look at the exact time its you have 18 minutes left of your 21 years. I love birthdays. I actually morphed into Suzie Homemaker this afternoon and made 2 ( yes two) cakes. One I made straight from the box and the other straight from scratch. Impressive I know. Only mistake was I was going to buy the icing in a jar tomorrow and make the scratch icing and put it on the homemade cake. Well, i mixed the two up and now I am going to have to put the bought icing on the homemade one. I refuse to make the icing again because I was attacked by my double boiler ( a pot within a pot) and burned my hand beautifully. It hurt like hell. I was a little upset and it was so sticky! Anyways, I hope he enjoys it - I have never recieved battle wonds like this cooking.. I guess there is a first for everything.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

A Tribute to Mr. Dynamite

That was the greatest movie - EVER! I recently saw it a few days ago and was highly impressed with his SKILLS. I think it deserves a Golden Globe. No, an Oscar. If people don't understand or interpret the movie then they obviously do not have any common sense what so ever. The first time I saw it I thought it was completely useless. The second time around however, it was brilliant. It portrayed the inner thoughts of high school outcasts and how they really should handle their problems. Outspoken, direct and to the point. VOTE FOR PEDRO!!!!... and Do What Ever You Want To Do.... GOSH!!!

Sunday, January 02, 2005

New Years... a new begining perhaps?

Another year - gone. Just like that. In a instant really. So, New years eve I contemplaited my wish and found one. It never came true. I don't think it ever will.
As for resolutions, I made a few. The 5 lb resolution is a given. Its always on the list.
As for the others, here goes.

1.To be the best mom
2. To be more upfront with people, let them know what and how I am feeling ( failing miserably so far)
3. To attain great grades this year
4. To see my grandma and family
5. To declare finally my intended major ( so far, this is a possibility of 4 or 5)
6. To be extraordinary
7. Move out of Medicine Hat by August ( dont know quite where)
8. Not stress out
9. Volunteer at at least 2 major functions this year
10. Do something nice for someone at least once a day ( that would entail 365 nice tasks)
11. Invent something

Some seam lame but I think its do-able.