Pull out a tapemeasure, note your age on the tapemeasure. Look how much you have left from your age to 100 (if you're are lucky to live that long)... Make It Count People.
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
My Christmas List
I am so exited. It has been months of agony and only 6 days, 14 hours and 10 minutes are left of it. I can't wait to move. It's really quite funny actually because I am so anxious that I have even gone as far as make a floor plan as to where all my furniture is going. It will be great fun. I started my own Christmas list the other day. That as well adds humor to my day. I have the most useless yet useful things on it. Take the nail file on a key chain. Who really asks for that? Honestly. I do a list every year. Partially because I will go out on boxing day and join in on the madness and shop all day long and retrieve everything that I did not get from my mom or dad. This year though, I have chosen to wish for only 3 things this Christmas. Partially because I don't really need anything and another reason being because I am focusing more on Emma. It's actually ironic because one wish was already granted... But I won't get into that one... I think some can figure this one out. The other 3 things are the usuall. The sox, the nail file and a new waver for my head (mine is completely lame and doesn't even work). My mom has them covered thank god. I guess that boxing day is going to be fun this year!!!
Monday, November 22, 2004
So what do you get something for someone who has everything?
Yes, I would be talking about christmas already. It really is a pain in the ass when you just don't know what to get people. I love shopping for people but it gets kind of frustrating and I am so one of those people who get caught up on christmas eve trying to decided what to get the most important people in my life. I am determined not to let this happen this year. I pleadge not to be that last minute shopper who resorts to the next best thing. I promise not to go mad on christmas eve and join in the male clan who don't give much thought into what to get there women for christmas. I will be smart and think about the perfect gift. I will be strong!
Now for the hard part. Deciding what the perfect gift is. What do you get someone who has mostly everything? I have a few of these people on my list. And they havn't dropped the slightest hint as to what they even want or need (this would be your hint!!!). Well, I guess I will just have to sit and ponder the idea. I do have a whole month after all to get my shit together. Even if it does mean going to the mall 2 days (that's right 2!) before christmas.
Now for the hard part. Deciding what the perfect gift is. What do you get someone who has mostly everything? I have a few of these people on my list. And they havn't dropped the slightest hint as to what they even want or need (this would be your hint!!!). Well, I guess I will just have to sit and ponder the idea. I do have a whole month after all to get my shit together. Even if it does mean going to the mall 2 days (that's right 2!) before christmas.
Sunday, November 21, 2004
Montana Beef... 100% all natural
Stepping out of the local diner... we now realize what is replacing american Mad Cow Beef....
Thursday, November 18, 2004
I love ranting about nothing. In a sense it sort of keeps me grounded. Takes me back to my roots sometimes and even has me realize things about myself. I suppose thats why women vent and rant quite a bit. Not only is it a specified stress relief, but also a way of informing others of our feelings as well. Have you ever watched a woman vent? It is quite humorous. We tend to flail our arms, make ghastly facial expressions and overcome ourselves with irrational thoughts and feelings.. and apparantly we can keep in control when doing all of this. I find that last little factor hard to believe because I know that if I get doublely pissed off then I tend to go fruit loop and will do sometimes anything to set things right. But of course, that's just me trying to prove that I am never wrong... which in a sense I know is a fabricated lie only to myself. Why is it women always have to be correct? I used to be really bad for this until only recently I found that I am not always right (it's called self-discovery - you should try it sometime). Maybe it's the apologizing factor behind it all. Women frankly hate to be the first to apologize. We love to say we are sorry and maybe (yes, maybe) we overreacted a tad only after the male says it first - and of course he has to get down on his hands and knees and beg for forgiveness before we would even consider. I admire the patients men have with us at times. My boyfriend pointed out the other night that if a man ever hung up on a women or ever proclaimed that "we" are fighting then all hell would break loose, but once a women does this, men take it in strides and deal with the matter at hand. It is virtually inconcievable for a women to notice this factor. I, like every other, am guilty of this but I have also listened to the opposite sex and realized that we need to chill sometimes and realize that life is not so overdramatic.... We as women need to adopt a similar wrap of how we deal. Thats all I have to say.
Monday, November 15, 2004
Two weeks in a nutshell... yes I said nutshell.
It has been far to long since my last entry and yes, I do hang my head in shame. I have been negligent to the blogger community and I apologize for this. Now that I have gotten that out of the way I probally should explain the reasoning behind my absense. Well, I have started dating someone. He is swell. Wonderful. SuperHotFantastic. Amazing. Need I say more? He has had this distracting affect on me for the last two weeks but I can honestly say that I really don't care. In fact, I would miss it if the distractions where to lessen.
Other factors that have played on my absense is my moving factors. I actually found a place (yes, moving again)... And I will tell you - Apartment Hunting is a Bitch. I have seen some nice (maybe to nice) and some dreadful spots. This one place had a hottub and sauna (with a mirror.... hehehe) but the apartment had no lino. Yes.. all carpet.. it was damn sexy I will tell you. After countless days of searching I found a nice 3 bedroom overlooking the lame city of Medicine Hat. It's not bad. Has sexy cupboards and orange flowers on the counter tops but other than that it's all right. I'm excited. Maybe just excited about unpacking. I can't wait until I move. I think honestly that this is going to be the longest 2 weeks ever. EVER! Considering the current situation I just may have to find a box and some newspaper to settle with until the big day comes. lol.. I'm KIDDING!... a BFI would do just fine.
I think that I am going to stop there. There has been far to much self talk and I need to move onto another topic.
Other factors that have played on my absense is my moving factors. I actually found a place (yes, moving again)... And I will tell you - Apartment Hunting is a Bitch. I have seen some nice (maybe to nice) and some dreadful spots. This one place had a hottub and sauna (with a mirror.... hehehe) but the apartment had no lino. Yes.. all carpet.. it was damn sexy I will tell you. After countless days of searching I found a nice 3 bedroom overlooking the lame city of Medicine Hat. It's not bad. Has sexy cupboards and orange flowers on the counter tops but other than that it's all right. I'm excited. Maybe just excited about unpacking. I can't wait until I move. I think honestly that this is going to be the longest 2 weeks ever. EVER! Considering the current situation I just may have to find a box and some newspaper to settle with until the big day comes. lol.. I'm KIDDING!... a BFI would do just fine.
I think that I am going to stop there. There has been far to much self talk and I need to move onto another topic.
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